Morrison Campaign Announces Women Winning Endorsement

Women Winning is Minnesota’s largest women’s political organization

THIRD DISTRICT – State Senator Kelly Morrison (DFL-SD45) today announced that Women Winning has endorsed her campaign. Women Winning is Minnesota’s largest women’s political organization, and is dedicated to electing pro-choice women in Minnesota.

“From fighting to make sure that new moms don’t lose their health insurance to protecting a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, my experience as an OB-GYN has driven me to pass legislation that can make a real difference for women and families,” Morrison said. “I’m so honored to have the support of Women Winning, and I look forward to championing women’s rights in Congress.” 

For more than 20 years as an OB-GYN, Morrison has cared for Minnesota women and families. She first ran for the State House in 2018 and was elected to the State Senate in 2022. In just five years, Morrison has passed more than 80 bills into law, including leading the fight in 2023 to protect a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, and passing legislation to extend health insurance for new moms on Medicaid from just 60 days to 12 months.

Morrison has also taken on big pharmaceutical companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs, championed efforts to combat gun violence, worked to fight climate change and protect our lakes and rivers, and expanded services for Minnesota seniors and veterans.

If elected, Morrison will be the only pro-choice OB-GYN in Congress.

Women Winning has been working for more than 40 years to elect pro-choice women to all levels of public office, from park board to President of the United States. In that time, Women Winning has raised and contributed millions of dollars to pro-choice women’s campaigns, endorsed thousands of candidates, and has more than tripled the number of pro-choice women elected officials in Minnesota. The organization’s targeted endorsement program centers on competitive districts for pro-choice women candidates with the goal of electing a truly representative government and creating a more equitable Minnesota.



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Morrison Campaign Announces Endorsements from Minnesota OB-GYNs